Hormone Clinic

Gender Plus Hormone Clinic is available to those aged 16 years and older following a post-assessment referral from our colleagues at Gender Plus.

Our English Clinics are regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). The Care Quality Commission is England’s independent regulator of health and social care. Regulation by the CQC ensures health and social care services in England are safe, effective and well-led, providing compassionate, high quality care. The Hormone Clinic is the only English independent gender child care prescribing service to be regulated by the CQC.

The pathway is available to transgender and non-binary people and it operates in line with current national and international guidelines.

Hormone clinics began in Dublin in November 2023 and in Birmingham in January 2024.

The experienced team includes a Nurse Consultant, Consultant Endocrinologist, and a Patient Coordinator. In addition our patients receive support and monitoring from the psychology and mental health team at Gender Plus.

Gender Plus Hormone Clinic offers holistic support to those in our care. In addition to prescribing and overseeing hormone treatment our team are available to provide injection clinics (currently in the UK only) as well as answer hormone related medical queries between clinic review appointments. We also provide psychological support and review on the hormone treatment pathway. One of our psychology team will also be present at hormone clinic reviews to provide mental health input as required.